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Introducing our custom list templates

We present our new template-specific features to give your firm’s knowledge management a helping hand!

Give your firm’s knowledge management a boost with version 2.8 of Legatics! In this latest release, you can now create your own list templates, which allow you to conveniently capture and re-use knowledge from your existing deals. You’ll also discover a central repository for templates – giving you a place to create, store, share, and track your template knowledge. In this article, we explore these new template-specific features and how you can use them!

Custom list templates: what they are and how to use them

Are your lawyers under pressure to set up deals quickly? Do they find it time-consuming to recreate your firm’s precedent – searching through a variety of systems to find what they need?

With our new custom list templates, getting things set up in a hurry has never been easier. This new functionality enables dedicated template admins in your firm to capture and re-use knowledge from your existing matters or build new templates to share with your lawyers.

You can now create templates:

  • from existing lists in matters (providing you’re the matter administrator)
  • from existing template lists (using the platform’s default templates or your own)
  • from scratch

Why is this feature so useful?

Although Legatics has over 40 templates covering most practice areas, we realise that these standard templates may only get you so far. Our new custom list templates allow you to go a step further – creating bespoke templates that work for your firm’s specific practice areas, jurisdictions and legal workflows.

Watch our short video to learn more about working with custom list templates:

The key benefits this new functionality offers are:

Tailored templates

We want you to be able to make the most of the template knowledge within your firm. We understand that the default templates within Legatics will not necessarily cover every eventuality, and that you’re likely to have built your own templates over time to address this. Having the ability to create your own unique templates and store them in Legatics means you have the best of both worlds!

We also want to avoid you having to repeat work every time you create a list in a matter that you’d like to reuse. One of the good things about our lists is that they can store files. So, if your template requires specific documents you can simply upload those files into it – bringing everything your lawyers need together in one place.

We can also add your firm’s branding to the templates you’ve created outside of Legatics, for a professional and consistent approach.

Better categorising and tracking

Organise and tag your template types by practice area, client or industry, so they can be found quickly. You can also monitor your template usage, with a real-time tally of the number of users each template has had.

Easier onboarding

Greet your new recruits with templates that speak their language! Our templates are designed by lawyers for lawyers, for a speedy and more consistent onboarding process.

Greater efficiency

Our custom list templates and central template repository mean you can avoid working in Word documents scattered in various locations around your firm. Instead, you’ll have a dedicated place to manage your templates – making them easy to find and accessible to everyone.

If you’re an existing Legatics user, we hope you enjoy these new features! If you’re new to Legatics and want to see the product in action, book a product demo today.